How To Secure Your Gmail Account

You don't have access to your own Gmail account? Do you suspect that it was hacked? You are correct; now read this article to learn how to avoid this disaster.
Scams have existed since the beginning of time. Nigeria and India are the first two countries on the list of countries with the highest number of scams. Earning money has both positive and negative aspects. It has changed over the years.
Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly developing new methods to defraud people by stealing their personal information. The majority of scams revolve around gaining access to email services such as Gmail.
Every couple of months, Google is subjected to a large number of hacker attacks, and this year is no exception; in fact, the crimes have increased. Every day, thousands of people have their accounts hacked.
This is a very upsetting issue for people who have their accounts hacked and are unsure how to avoid it. Scamming cannot be stopped, but there are ways to prevent or at least limit it.
In this article, we will show you two major methods that, once implemented, will make it difficult to hack your accounts.
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Table of Contents
How to Secure Your Gmail Account
Online threats and hacked accounts Gmail accounts are not trivial matters, and Google takes them very seriously. As a result, it has created a very difficult-to-crack security system on which you can rely to keep your account from being hacked.
This system is built on many facets that you must understand before implementing it. We've written everything down below to make you feel less worried about having your account hacked.
Here are the 2 best ways to prevent saving your account from scammers everywhere.
1. Strong Password
Many users think of an easy password to save time and also to remember. That is where the reluctance lies. Google always asks for a strong password and they have a reason behind it, they don’t just ask it because they want to test your intellect level.
Google also has an option where it asks you to allow Google itself to remember your password for you. Then what not?
Follow these password guidelines and understand the rational reason behind them.
Length is not important, Not Complexity
Whenever Google asks for a password we give the easiest password to remember, or we focus on the complexity, thinking again that a short and complex password is easy to remember and hard to crack. But no, that’s not how the security system works.
Length matters while setting a password, because the longer the password is the harder it becomes for hackers to hack it.
Avoid Periodic Resets
A periodic reset is intended to prevent unauthorized access to an account. It is necessary for the account user to reset their passwords every couple of months. However, in practice, the practice is complicated and increases the likelihood of a breach.
It is already difficult to remember a strong password, so changing the password repeatedly will throw things off. As a result, the best advice is to keep the password but simply add some more alphabet or numeric characters to it every time you need to reset it.
No Password Hint
The most common error we make is in how we use password hint. We share more than is necessary, making us vulnerable to scammers.
Using a password hint allows a hacker to easily conduct research and locate one of your social media accounts and begin tampering with it.
We chose this path because we don't understand how the security system works but also want complete security. If you truly want all of your accounts to be saved, you must thoroughly understand the security system.
Enable two-Step Verification
Two-factor authentication is also known as multi-factor authentication and it is very essential to keep your Gmail account safe from the hands of attackers. The Gmail login process gets even better once enabling this option.
There can be a pop-up on your screen, no it is not a virus at all, you can easily exit it by clicking the cancel button, but it won’t go away permanently though.
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2. 2Fa Method
Because the number of hackers is growing, two-step verification for your Google account is both important and simple. The technology has advanced significantly in the last few hours to assist security-conscious Google users.
There are 4 types of 2FA you can use to keep your Gmail account safe.
This type of 2FA has become old-fashioned as SMS can be intercepted and not very secure compared to other methods that are written below.
Google Prompt
Google prompts can only be used on mobile or tablet, it is not for laptops or desktops. Two ways to use it: either use your phone instead of your password or select it as a 2FA method.
Authenticator App
In comparison to all others, the Google authenticator app is the best on the market. With your eyes closed, you can put your trust in it. If you're concerned about how much Google authentication can keep your account secure, enable 2FA.
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Security Key
The hardware key has always been the most secure option to keep the Gmail account safe. They are customized and are combined with features and compatibility. It stores and gets access to your credentials with one push on the button. The process of two-factor verification becomes easy.
Conclusion on How to Secure Your Gmail Account
When Google detects a problem in their security system, it provides a better solution than anyone else.
Scammers and fraudsters are everywhere; we can't stop them from doing what they do best, but we can avoid them by using Google's difficult-to-crack security system.
Your personal information must not be disclosed to anyone who could misuse it.
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