Free Internet Trick Unlimited Data Trick Hack For Android And iPhone

How can I obtain limitless free data? Worry no longer, since I have given instructions on how to obtain limitless data for free in this article.
free internet trick unlimited data trick hack for android and iPhone

 How can I obtain limitless free data? Worry no longer, since I have given instructions on how to obtain limitless data for free.

This free data can be accessed via Android, iOS, PC, and other devices. One advantage of this approach is that the free data can be accumulated indefinitely; there is no limit to the amount of data that you can obtain.

This method does not require users to have data, airtime, or a VPN app to work. To get yours up and running, simply follow the instructions below on how to obtain unlimited 4G data for free. This method is for Entitled Knowledge readers in Nepal who use the Ncell network.

How To Get Unlimited Data For Free On Android And iPhone


  1.  An NCell Nepal SIM card with zero data and call credit
  2. An Android device, iOS, or PC.
  3. Ncell App 
  4. The setup

Procedure 1: How To Get Unlimited Data For Free On Android And iPhone

1. Get the Ncell App from the App Store or Google Play.

2. Launch the app and sign in.

3. Navigate to "My Packs" and then to the bottom of the screen, select "Purchase data pack."

4. Now, click on "FREE 200MB," then "Activate," and then "Confirm" to access the free data. You should now see a notice on your screen that says "Data Pack Purchase Successful."

Procedure 2: How to Accumulate the Free Data

  1. Go to the NCell self-care webpage by clicking here.
  2. Enter your login information. You can, however, register if this is your first visit to the website.
  3. Locate and click on the hamburger icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Select "Purchase Packs."
  5. Swipe to the right to "My Services." You will cancel the free data that you have received there. Once that is completed, repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue collecting data for free! Enjoy.

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Please keep in mind that this content is only for educational reasons! You are accountable for your actions and how you use them. Entitled Knowledge only drops such to notify ISPs about vulnerabilities so that they can be addressed.

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