Free Internet For Turkcell Turkey via HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom, OpenTunnel [Open Bug Host + Payload]

In this guide, I will show you how to create a working free internet ehi config file with a open payload and bug host for the setup.
Free Internet For Turkcell Turkey via HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom, OpenTunnel

Who doesn't like rolling up with free internet? Everyone wants free internet but as far as getting free internet is concerned, it might get complicated to get free internet tricks especially if your ISP is one of a kind that is known for updating their security layers frequently.

I experienced a situation where, a free unlimited internet trick with MTN was discovered for my country, and some few hours later, it got blocked. Fortunately for those that new of its existence, they enjoyed and it was an unfortunate thing for those that heard of it when it got blocked.

From there, I got an understanding on these free internet tricks. My expression is "no matter the trick, no matter the protocol or tunneling method used, no free internet trick lasts for ever". If you bear this expression in your mind whenever you are enjoying a browsing trick, you will never get a heart attack when it gets blocked.

Just wanted to keep you some fresh notices at mind which you must always recall.

We at Entitled Knowledge work hand in hand with AiM Tutorials to bring free internet tricks to all corners and countries in the world because we know how expensive are the internet bills and tariffs set by all ISP.

This Free Internet trick is for  Turkcell network in Turkey, and can be configured using different tunneling apps. But before we head on there, we need to know what is Free internet and how does Free internet works. This is because some individuals might not know what we are actually talking of. 

What is Free Internet and how does it work?

Free internet is an art of browsing the internet freely without paying penny or anything. Free internet can be gotten by many ways. You can get free data from your ISP when they celebrate an occasion. Also, we find many countries whose ISP and government, provide free internet for students especially during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Another great way of getting free internet is by using a VPN. Not just a VPN but a tunneling VPN. We have VPN such as HTTP Injector, HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Custom, NapsternetV and many others which can give unlimited free internet tricks. The listed VPN also have free internet config files which you can equally use for free internet access.  These VPN have host tunneling features and of course, they will need a free internet bug host or hostname from which they can pull the connection to tunnel through their secure servers.

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That said, we will be using a famous VPN app "HTTP Injector, for free internet access via Turkcell Turkish network, however, you can still use some apps such as HTTP Custom, OpenTunnel for the the tweak. But before we move to that, lets see the benefits of  Free Internet.

Benefits of Free Internet

  • Help students easily access their online classes.
  • Helps us better manage our funds by using it for other purposes rather then for internet bills
  • Download without limits (depends on host limit)
  • 24hours connected non stop
  • And many more.

How to Get Free Internet with Turkcell Turkey Via HTTP Injector

As said earlier, we will be using HTTP Injector. You can also use HTTP Custom, HA Tunnel Plus, TLS Tunnel or even NapsternetV if you wish. But I will be providing the guide for HTTP Injector.

Requirements for Free Internet with Turkcell Turkey Via HTTP Injector

Procedure for Free Internet with Turkcell Turkey Via HTTP Injector

Step 1: Downloading HTTP Injector or any Tunneling App

Download HTTP Injector or any tunneling app of your choice from here. We recommend HTTP Injector but if you wish to use HTTP Custom, HA Tunnel Plus, OpenTunnel, TLS Tunnel, then you are still good to go on.

Step 2: Create an SSH Account

Rather than using the servers of HTTP Injector, we will create our own personal SSH account from a fast server. 

You can use SSHStores to create your account. In the case where SSHStore doesn't allow account creation, consider checking out this full guide for the best SSH servers for HTTP Injector.

Step 3: Setting up Payload in HTTP Injector App

  1. Open the HTTP Injector App.
  2. As Tunnel Type, select Secure Shell (SSH), for Connect From, select None (Direct) and in Options, check Custom Payload
    Now copy and paste the Payload below into the Payload field of the app.
    CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf]Host:[crlf]X-Online-Host:[crlf]X-Forward-Host:[crlf]Connection: Keep-Alive[crlf][crlf]
  3. Till this stage all seems okay.
  4. We are done with setting up the Payload, you wont have to generate the payload anymore.

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Step 4: Setting up SSH Account info in HTTP Injector App

Once you've created your SSH Account, it is time to fill it in the HTTP Injector App

  1. On the App's main interface, click on the gear icon to access settings.
  2. Select Secure Shell (SSH)
  3. You will need to fill in detail such as;
    Host (will be provided upon account creation)
    Port (use 442 or 143)
    Username and
  4. Once you've entered all the necessary information as shown above, then you are good to go for the next step.

Step 5: Connecting the App for Free Internet access

Setup time is over and now comes the enjoyment time. Just click on the START button, checking your log section to see if there's anything wrong and if all was properly entered, you will be successfully connected to the server within some seconds.

If however it doesn't connect, checkout if you copied the payload correctly. Also, it can also be due to authentication error, in this case, double check your SSH account if it was entered correctly in the app making sure you used port 442.

You can watch the full explainer video below to see how you can setup the app for free internet browsing.

Download the HTTP Injector EHI Config

We know many will still find this difficult to do and will prefer config files rather than the stressful steps to setup the app themselves. 

You can download the ehi config file for free internet from the link below.

Turkey(Turkcell)-Free-Internet.ehi 5 KB

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Final Thoughts on Free Internet for Turkcell Turkey

Free internet is a kind of stroll and can be hard to get especially when an ISP filters things out frequently and blocking loop holes. We are all aware that tunneling connection from a host through VPN is the best way to enjoy free internet access.

That's why you need a bug host for the best free internet experience. 

However, this guide is for Turkcell Turkey users and they can follow the different steps to get free internet. We mostly featured HTTP Injector though other tunneling apps can do with this.

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