a) In the space provided, draw a cross section or a transect from the summit of Robinson at grid reference 202168 to the summit of High stile at grid




Study the may extract of the lake district drawn to the scale 1:50000 and answer the following questions:

a) In the space provided, draw a cross section or a transect from the summit of Robinson at grid reference 202168 to the summit of High stile at grid reference 170147 and indicate clearly the lake, and arete minor roads and woods.
b) Reduce the May Extract North of northing 15 and insect the following features
i) Crummock water
ii) The church at Buttermere
iii) The main road from Gatesgarth to Brackenthwaite
iv) The foot path from grid reference 120173 to  155175.
c) Calculate the distance of the footpath in kilometers from the mountain rescue post at gatesgarth 195149 to the youth hotel at Gillerthwaite 1392141.
d) Determine whether you could see the church in Buttermere village from the summit of piullar mountain 171121
e) Describe the site of Buttermere village.
f) Explain why man's activities are exclusively confined to the valleys.
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