How successful was Bismarck in Isolating France between 1870 and 1890? June 2011
- How successful was Bismarck in Isolating France between 1870 and 1890? June 2011
- How successful were Bismarck's foreign policy objectives between 1870-1890? SWRM 2015
- Analyze the objectives of Bismarck's foreign policy after 1870 and the extent to which he succeeded in achieving them. SWRM 2016
- "Even though the treaty of Versailles was in 1919 was largely been criticized, it was nevertheless a good peace treaty". Discuss June 2009
- "The view of the 'Big Three' at Versailles in 1919 made decision-making very difficult". Discuss. June 2010
- Were the terms imposed on Germany at Versailles justified? June 2012
- What arguments are there to justify that the Paris Peace Settlement was not a fair peace Treaty? June 2014
- How valid were the Germans criticisms of the Versailles Treaty of 1919? SWRM 2015
- Critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of Paris peace settlement of 1919-1923. SWRM 2016
- "The merits of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 were numerous as its demerits". Discuss June 2016
- How far did the peace makers succeed in their objectives at Paris during the Paris conference of 1919?
- " The league of nation is described as a toothless bull dog " How far is this affirmation true?
- Which bears greater responsibility for the failure of collective security in the 1930s: the weaknesses of the League of Nations or the rise of Aggressors? NWRM 2019