What factors have contributed to the protracted Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East since 1948? June 2009



  1. What factors have contributed to the protracted Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East since 1948? June 2009 
  2. Why did the Camp David accord of 1979 fail to bring lasting peace between the Arabs and the Jew? June 2011
  3. "Western support to Israel has prolonged the Arab-Israeli conflict" Discuss.
  4. Why was the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli conflict inevitable after the proclamation of the state of Israel in 1948? June 2016
  5. Assess he impact of the camp David Accord in 1979 on the Arab-Israeli crisis ( SWRM 2017 ).
  6. Analyze the reason for the survival of the state of Israel since 1948 despite Arab determination to wipe it out. June 2018
  7. Trace the origins and discuss the impact of the ideological conflict between the western powers and the USSR.
  8. Critically examine the Causes and consequences of the Korean war of 1950-1953.
  9. Explain the extent to which the second world war was disastrous to the belligerents.
  10. How valid were the Germans criticisms of the Versailles Treaty of 1919? SWRM 2015
  11. How far did the peace makers succeed in their objectives at Paris during the Paris Peace conference of 1919-1920? 

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